2509 - France PIA Bosphorus Bilateral Call


TÜBİTAK - 2509 - France PIA Bosphorus Bilateral Call is open for application. This program is opened to all scientific fields, including social sciences and humanities. Nevertheless, a priority will be given to the following fields

  • Security, including natural disasters, humanitarian emergencies, and the fight against terrorism;
  •  Transport, including aeronautics;
  •  Space research;
  •  Mathematics;
  • Information and communication technologies, including digital security;
  • Materials science, including nanotechnology;
  • Environmental science, including seismic studies;
  • Biotechnology, with special interest for the health sector or with agricultural applications.
  • Energy, including renewables and nuclear

Deadline : June 18, 2018

Project Budget: Max. 360.000 TL

Project Duration: Max. 24 months


For detailed information, please click here.

For further information and your questions, you can contact us via tto@ozyegin.edu.tr .