Belmont Forum - Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/ Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change Call

The Joint Research Action Call for Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/ Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change, created under the Belmont Forum, is aimed to develop integrated approaches for data production, public policies and practices on global change, migration and mobility. Project proposals will be presented within this framework; it will focus on elucidating the determinants of migration related to global change processes such as environment and climate change, demographic changes, and consumption patterns.


Participating Countries: United States, Austria, Brazil, France, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Trinidad, Tobago, Turkey, Latin American and African countries sponsored by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Studies (IAI) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).


Consortiums that include a minimum of 3 different organisations from 3 different participating countries can apply to these calls.


International application deadline: July 29, 2022

National application deadline: August 3, 2022


Please click here for the application system.

Click here for detailed information.