WeNet Call

WeNet was first launched in January 2019 to empower machine-mediated diversity-aware social interactions. The main objective of the Open Call is to extend the impact of the WeNet project by involving additional institutions, by increasing the diversity in terms of communities of users and data collected, by collecting further data to feed the WeNet Research Infrastructure (RI).

Call Tracks

Track A – App (6 months)

Develop a new use case, a new app and run an experiment (collect data)

Track B – Data (4 months)

Re-use an existing WeNet app and run an experiment (collect data)

Track C – Open Track (6 months)

This is a free track, where proposals that do not fit Track A or B, but are relevant for the Open Call scope, can be submitted.

Support Amount

Track A – App Up to € 50,000

Track B – Data Up to € 25,000

Track C – Open Track Up to € 50,000 

At least five project proposals will be funded within the scope of the WeNet Open Call.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2021

Click here for detailed information.

Click here for application.