2023 TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Science, Service and Incentive Awards

By the Presidency of Health Institutes of Turkey (TÜSEB), TUSEB Aziz Sancar Science, Service and Incentive Awards are given every year to “Scientists who have made important contributions to science at the international level with their studies in the field of health science and technologies to serve the country and humanity, to people who have made outstanding service and to people who have proven that they have the qualifications to make significant contributions to science at the international level in the future with their studies." 



1.     TUSEB Aziz Sancar Science Award: 100.000 TL

2.     TUSEB Service Award: 50.000 TL

3.     TUSEB Incentive Award: 30.000 TL 


Application Deadline:  July 14, 2023 


Click here for the application.


Click here for detailed information.