Horizon Europe Clusters Co-design Survey

A survey has been published by the European Commission that will help determine the research and innovation investments and priorities to be realized in the first four years of the Horizon Europe Program, which will cover the 2021-2027 period, and contribute to the joint design of the Program with all stakeholders.

The survey results will contribute to the studies on the first Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe and to the "co-design" sessions to be held at the European Research and Innovation Days to be held on September 22-24. 

The survey is structured around 6 clusters identified for Horizon Europe:

1. Health

2.Culture, Creativity and Inclusive societies

3.Civil Security

4. Digital, Industry and Space

5. Climate, Energy and Mobility

6. Food, Bioeconomics, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

You can access the questionnaire from here where you can give feedback to the Commission about the clusters you are interested in. 

Deadline for Contribution: September 18, 2020