2237 - Scientific Training Activities Support Programs 3rd Term Calls for 2022

2237-A Grant Program for Scientific Training and 2237-B Grant Program for Project Training 2022 the 3rd term application dates have been announced. The purpose of the program is to support the organization of theoretical and/or applied scientific events such as online courses and seminars (including online) to be organized in the country.


Application Conditions for 2237-A Grant Program for Scientific Training:

  • The application is made by the event coordinator who is at least completed his/her doctorate education, in the organizing committee of the event, resides in the country and working at a university/education and research hospital/research institute,
  • The members of the event organizing committee must consist of at least 3 scientists from different universities/research agencies in Turkey,
  • To have a unique and up-to-date web page with information about the event to be organized,
  • The number of lesson hours to be paid by a trainer during the event should not exceed 25% of the total number of lessons in the event,
  • Class size should be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 participants, with a maximum of 60 participants in the event, (this condition is not required for online events)
  • There should be a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 270 days between the starting date of the event and the deadline for the relevant application period,
  • To plan the lessons in the activity program on consecutive days,
  • Trainers to teach should be composed of at least doctoral scientists,
  • Participants must be students studying within the country or employees in the country.


The Scope of the Fellowship: Maximum 100.000 TL


Duration:  The duration of the scientific training activity to be supported cannot exceed seven days.


Application Conditions for 2237-B Grant Program for Project Training:

  • The Event Coordinator must be an assistant professor at the university and must be the executive/sub-director of at least one of the national and international projects (bilateral and multilateral international projects, COST, etc.) supported by the TÜBİTAK ARDEB,
  • There should be a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 270 days between the starting date of the event and the deadline for the relevant application period,
  • For those who apply again from the event organizers who received support within the scope of this program: Based on the last event 6 months past the end of the event; that at least 10% of the participants who received the training submitted a project to TUBITAK within the first six months after the event in the program types covered by article,
  • Having a doctorate/  specialty in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary/ art proficiency degree; if s/he is a student, s/he must have obtained her/his doctoral qualification,
  • Participating in the event with a project proposal,
  • Not having participated in a project training supported under this program before,
  • Class size should be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 participants, with a maximum of 60 participants in the event, (this condition is not required for online events)


The Scope of the Fellowship: Maximum 100.000 TL


Application Deadline: September 30, 2022


Click here for detailed information.