European Capital of Innovation Awards

The EU research and innovation programme, this annual prize recognises cities with the most inclusive and dynamic innovation ecosystems since 2014. Also known as iCapital, it acknowledges their achievements in connecting citizens, public sector, academia, and businesses in order to deliver societal benefits for all.

To be taken into consideration in this year's "European Capital of Innovation" application of Istanbul;

- Improving the city's quality of life,
- Enriching its social texture,
- Made with the inhabitants of Istanbul,
- Contributing to Istanbul becoming an exemplary city in Europe,
- Improves the living conditions of refugees and migrants,

Projects and activities created by urban residents and institutions together and in partnership with creative solutions will be evaluated.

In this context, you are expected to share your projects or activities that started or continued after 01.01.2019 in accordance with the above priorities, not exceeding one page and with summary information.

We would be pleased to receive your project or activity summaries via until Wednesday, March 5.