Special Call Within The Scope of ARDEB 1001 Program Regarding COVID-19 Outbreak

TUBITAK considering that it is important to evaluate the problems triggered by outbreak from a social and humanities perspective while studies such as vaccine and drug development continue at full speed towards COVID-19 Pandemic. So TÜBİTAK-ARDEB has opened a special call titled "COVID-19 and Society: Social, Human and Economic Effects of the Outbreak, Problems and Solutions" in the context of TUBITAK 1001- Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program.

The purpose of the call; The current and predicted problems and effects of the COVID-19 global epidemic are examined from the perspective of social and humanities, research and development of solutions. The project proposals to be presented are expected to be handled within the following scope:

Scope of Call:

· Presenting the current situation and trend with evidence-based scientific data

· Short, medium, long term projection, forecasting, analysis and planning studies

· Creating solutions that will contribute to decision makers and practitioners in line with these analyzes and forecasts

· In order to understand the multidimensional effects caused by the outbreak, the project proposals will be handled with an interdisciplinary approach when necessary

You can find topic samples in Social Issues and Humanities, Economy, Process Management and Resource Planning from this link.

Support Amount: Up to 200.000 TL

Support Period: Up to 6 months 

Application Deadline: May 4, 2020 (including online application and completion of e-signatures)

Click here for application.

Click here for detailed information.