YÖK 2020 Outstanding Achievement Awards

YÖK Outstanding Achievement Awards are given under two main titles, individual and corporate, in order to encourage studies, projects, theses and community service activities carried out by scientific research at universities.

Individual Awards

Who Can Apply?

For doctoral dissertation award of the year, who completed his doctoral thesis on the previous year may apply for a graduate of the doctoral program at state and private higher education institutions in Turkey. Applications are made together by the doctoral dissertation owner and the thesis advisor. In the evaluation, the scientific and innovative aspects of the doctoral thesis, besides being original, the economic, social, cultural and other contributions of the thesis results are taken into consideration.

Awarded Areas*

1. Science and Engineering Sciences

2. Health Sciences

3. Social and Humanities

*1 award will be given in each field.

Click here for application.

Corporate Awards

Who Can Apply?

All state and private institutions of higher education in Turkey can apply for corporate awards. Institutions can apply with only one project, study or application for each category.

Award Categories**

1. Community Service Award

2. International Cooperation Award

3. University-Industry Cooperation Award

4. Contribution to Local Development Award

**1 award will be given in each field.

Click here for application.

Application Deadline: April 10, 2020

Click here for detailed information.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via tto@ozyegin.edu.tr.