3 Projects of ÖzÜ Get Funded under TÜBİTAK 1001 and 3501 Programmes

TÜBİTAK published the results of 3501 – National Young Researchers Career Development Program (CAREER) and 1001 - The Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects for the 1st call period in 2013. Our Faculty members Assist Prof. Begüm Güney and Assist. Prof. Murat Şensoy are awarded CAREER grants and Assist. Prof. Erim Kardeş is awarded 1001 grant.

The total number of the projects granted for the 1001 call is 458 and for the 3501 call is 102. The success rate for 1001 Support Programme is 28,5 % and for the CAREER Programme its is 35,8 %.

We would like to congratulate Dr. Güney, Dr. Şensoy and Dr. Yapıcı for the awards they received for their project proposals and wish them success in their projects.