ERA PerMed 2021 Call

The ERA PerMed (ERA-NET on Personalized Medicine) project is an ERA-Net Cofund project supported within the scope of “Health, Demographic Change and Well-being”, one of the subfields of Horizon 2020. The subject of 2021 call is "Multidisciplinary Research Projects in Personalised Medicine (PM) - Development of Clinical Support Tools for Personalized Medicine Implementation".

The overall objectives of the call:
• Support translational and transnational research projects in the field of PM,
• Encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations towards the implementation of PM, combining clinical research with bio-informatics components and research on relevant ethical, legal and social aspects. Additionally, pre-clinical and health economic research can be included if the added value is outlined.

Research Areas:
Research Area 1: Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond
• Pre-clinical Research
• Clinical Research
Research Area 2: Big Data and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
• Usage of ICT Towards Healthcare Applications
Research Area 3: Research towards Responsible Implementation in Healthcare
• Health Economic Research
• Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects

Project Duration: Up to 36 months
Project Budget: Up to 720.000 TL

Turkish applicants will be supported via TÜBİTAK 1071 Program. Each project consortium must include at least three independent organizations from at least three different countries participating in the call. More than two partners from the same country cannot be in a consortium.

Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 4 March 2021
Submission deadline for invited full-proposals: 17 June 2021

Click here for application.

Click here for detailed information.