Results of “Earthquake Research” Call of TÜBİTAK- 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program

Among 281 projects submitted to TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program Earthquake Call which is opened for the first time in 2021, 240 proposals were taken into scientific evaluation and 47 of them were eligible to support. According to the results of the evaluation, project proposal, in which ÖzÜ researcher Asst. Prof. Elvin Çoban Göktürk as a Principle Investigator and Assoc. Prof. Burcu Balçık Koyuncu as a Researcher, is selected for funding. We congratulate our researchers whose projects will be supported and wish them an efficient project implementation process.

Project Title: Information Gathering and Damage Prediction Problems and Solution Methods for Urgent Post-Disaster Damage Assessment via Drones

Project Summary: Operations in disaster response and recovery stages are difficult to manage. It is necessary to quickly evaluate the current post-disaster conditions to decide which resource should be sent where and when. In addition, resource assignments may need to be updated as new information on current post-disaster conditions becomes available. Although the dissemination of the use of drones in disaster situations is a current issue in the humanitarian aid sector, there are very few studies that develop methods to support decision makers and practitioners for the effective use of drones in disaster damage detection. In fact, fewer studies analyze using real data.

This project aims to establish an analytical framework that includes new routing problems and solution methods to carry out emergency damage assessment operations with drones and plan search and rescue operations with constantly collected damage assessment data during the response phase after a severe earthquake affecting a large area. It is planned to analyze the results of the framework with a realistic case analysis which is implemented for Istanbul.

Project Manager:

Asst. Prof. Elvin Çoban Göktürk

Faculty of Engineering

Industrial Engineering