Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) 2023 Call

The Science Academy provides research support to young academicians with the BAGEP award program since 2013.


Objective of Program:

The objective is to reward the most brilliant and promising young academics with a prestigious scholarship which will help them further their studies. The award-winning young academics are granted 46.000 TL per year for a period of two years to support them in their researches. 


Application Eligibility: The award is given to scientists under the age of 40.  Candidates are entitled to three applications in total. In addition, they will not be able to apply for two consecutive years.


Deadline: January 27, 2023


During the application, the candidates are required to submit a publication list consisting of a maximum of 10 important publications, as well as a research program of no more than 2 pages describing the research they will do if they receive the award.


Please click here for application form.


Please click here for detailed information about the award program.


Researchers who are considering applying can contact us via