MSCA Scholarships Contribution Fund (COFUND) Call

The COFUND call under the Marie S. Curie Area (MSCA) is for organizations that currently have a scholarship and support mechanism for research projects or want to create such a program, to provide additional support to organizations that provide research scholarships in order to establish regional, national and international scholarship programs or to support their existing programs. aims to provide funding.


Project proposals may be submitted to additionally support scholarship programs that support postdoctoral researchers or scholarship programs that support doctoral students.


Financial Structure

PhD Scholarship Program: When project proposals of organizations designing a scholarship program in the form of a doctoral program under the MSCA-COFUND call are supported, the amount that the European Commission will pay per month per fellow as a COFUND contribution will be 3300 euros. Organizations are free to contribute on top of this scholarship.


Postdoctoral Scholarship Program: When project proposals of organizations designing a postdoctoral scholarship program under the MSCA-COFUND call are supported, the amount that the European Commission will pay per month per fellow as a COFUND contribution will be 4700 euros. Organizations are free to contribute on top of this scholarship.



Budget: 104,8 million Euro

Project Duration: 36-60 months

Deadline: September 26, 2024


Researchers must not have been in the country where they will conduct their research for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.


Click here for applications.


Please click here for detailed information.