TÜBİTAK Research Project Support to Sude Hammal of ÖzÜ Psychology 4th Grade Students


Sude Hammal, our 4th-grade student of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology at Özyeğin University, was deserved to be  supported with her proposal entitled “The Relationship of Nostalgic Memory Activation with the Fading Effect Bias” from the 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program. We congratulate our student whose project will be supported and wish her an efficient project implementation process.


  • The Relationship of Nostalgic Memory Activation with the Fading Effect Bias

When looking at the literature, it is seen that there are many common points regarding the effects of nostalgic memory activation and fading affect bias on our mental health and memory function. On the other hand, a study focusing on the effect of nostalgia activation on the fading effect has not been conducted before, and this indicates a significant deficiency in the literature. For this purpose, the effect of different types of nostalgia manipulation on the expected fading effect on participants' past memories will be examined in this study.


Principle Investigator: Sude Hammal/ Department of Psychology – Faculty of Social Sciences

Project Consultant: Asst. Prof. Hakan Karşılar/ Department of Psychology – Faculty of Social Sciences

Program Name: TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program