International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey (UBYT)

The aim of the List of Journals of the Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey is to promote both international scientific publications by researchers for increase the visibility of scientific publications originating from Turkey and international scientific publications which are made with advisor and students for increase their qualification or specialization in related areas.

Conditions to Benefit from Researchers' Incentives
a) The information of the publication to be applied in the Web of Science ™ Core Collection databases,
b) The publication to be applied should be article or review paper in the Web of Science ™ Core Collection databases,
c) In the full text of the publication, and at the Core Collection ™ Web of Science databases, the author should writes information at the address in the registration statement to be present in Turkey.

Conditions to Benefit from Advisors’ Incentives
a) Only awarded to the Advisors who are publishing together with their students who are PhD students.
b) The document type must be articles in order to be used.
c) Both the name of the Student and the name of the Advisor should be included among the authors of the relevant publication.
d) No Researchers' incentive payment is made to the authors benefiting from the Consultant Incentive.

Researchers who want to benefit from the Researchers' Incentive and Advisors’ Incentives can apply to TÜBİTAK by completing the Researchers' Incentive and Advisors’ Incentive sections of the “Electronic Application Form”, respectively.

Please click here to apply for the incentive.

Please click here for detailed information.

Note: It is necessary to login ULAKBİM in order to apply to TÜBİTAK Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey. You can use this link to login ULAKBİM and this link to login ARBİS.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via